Sunday, April 13, 2008

John's Bionicle Story; Part 2

Hacka didn't feel good about being chased into the jungle, but something strange happened to him. He wasn't looking like Hacka anymore. Hacka wanted to fight Spiny with his new weapons and armor, but Spiny wasn't interested in chasing him anymore. Oddly, Spiny was looking at a tree. The tree had the name Zaktan carved on it. Hacka realized that Spiny was the one who did it. Zaktan must have been Spiny's name. So Hacka scraped his name on the ground with his new sword. Zaktan got kind of mad about that, so he scraped the words Zaktan on Hacka's new armor.
Hacka felt mad. He slashed at Zaktan's belly. It didn't hurt Zaktan because he had new armor too. Zaktan felt so mad he exploded into a million pieces of Lego. The Matorans cheered.

Back at the Matoran Castle, another strange creature popped out of one of the brown stones. It was spiky and white, almost pale white. He took over the Matoran castle by freezing it. Everything was running crazy!

Soon Hacka decided that it was time to go home. When he got there, he was terrified to see that his home was frozen. But he was ready to fight.


Anonymous said...

This is getting really exciting!!!
Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

Your writing is really good! I'm so excited to find out what happens next to Hacka. Its really sad to see that his home is frozen... what does he do?
Luv Banana

Anonymous said...

Oh NO!! What will Hacka DO NOW?
And what about the castle? Exciting and dangerous adventure,John. Good story.
Love Grandma

Evangeline said...

I am so glad that you are continuing with your story, John.

I know what happens next, and it's unbelievable!!!

Keep up the great work!

John said...

Thanks for all these wonderful comments.

I'm releasing the next part now, and another part tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Hi John. This is getting more exciting all the time. I can't wait to see what happens in the next episode. Thanks so much for sharing your story.

Love Gramps and Grams